Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Hand Embroidery new and vintage

Simple and charming is how I would describe our dish towels, all are hand done, lots of hours of pleasure. The only time I complain is if I am in the car and my husband hits a bump in the road causing a stabbing incident.

The clothes hanger covers are vintage hand embroidery with hand made lace, crochet or tatted edges. Originally were vintage pillow cases that were past their prime but seemed too pretty to toss away. All the covers include a lavendar filled organza sachet to keep closets and clothes smelling crisp. The lavendar was gathered from the Mt. Shasta Lavendar farm in Northern California. I did buy some covers a while back from Elizabeth W. but at over 35. each thought it was too expensive for my whole closet. Additionally they couldn't be cleaned because of the sewn in lavender pouch, so I came up with my own design and it is more practical. I can wash the cover gently, and also replace the lavender when needed.

Agnes was inspired to create a Needle and Pin set after my daughter gave her a pin cushion for christmas, and like her egg cosies are simple in style as well as practical. I just love them. Natalie pointed out that it should be Pins and Needles, but we're an odd pair so Needles and Pins it is.

Brilliant day, and Spring is showing off!

The sun has returned, and the garden is blooming. I found a random tulip in the Rosemary, I have no idea how it got there, never have seen it before so it's my velvet red surprise, and it's gorgeous.

I picked some flowers over the weekend and shared with family, and saved two pink and green tulips for myself. I need to remember to buy more of them this Autumn I love the shade and colours of this one especially. My Look At Me tulip are unreal, and the Plain Jane yellows are beautifully ordinary. I have no idea what any of the real names are for the tulips all I know is they are beautiful. Hello Spring!

It's different now. Post November 8th 2018

I hesitate in starting to write, because it's been such a long time since I have. Last time I did was a little before the incident. The incident was the Camp Fire, Paradise, California.

One thing I don't want to be defined, and my life dictated by is the loss all of us in the town suffered and endured. We relocated to another town, that seems to be alright. The land is level, no ups and downs, and is more accessible, which is better for my husband.

I have lost a few friends since I last wrote, not through death, but I suppose a divergence of ideals. I would have written close friends but since they no longer are in touch then I was mistaken in the close friend label. Like some trees there is a need to shed leaves, I rather hope I'm a Redwood type or even better my favourite tree at our former location, the Quercus kelloggii, California black oak. This is the tree where my grand daughter's rope swing was hung and she enjoyed flying through the air, or just drifting with her imagination.